high noon

英 [ˌhaɪ ˈnuːn] 美 [ˌhaɪ ˈnuːn]

n.  中午十二点整; 正午; 最重要的阶段; 决定性时刻



  1. 中午十二点整;正午
    exactly twelve o'clock in the middle of the day
    1. 最重要的阶段;决定性时刻
      the most important stage of sth, when sth that will decide the future happens


      1. 同 noon
        High noon means the same as noon.
        1. N-UNCOUNT (新闻用语)紧要关头,关键时刻
          Journalists sometimes use high noon to refer to a crisis or event which is likely to decide finally what is going to happen in a conflict or situation.
          1. It looks like high noon for the nation's movie theaters, now we are in the age of the home video.


        1. It looks like high noon for the nation's movie theaters, now we are in the age of the home video.
        2. The Sun continues to be in high noon in your chart making others notice you.
        3. This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you.
        4. You had to keep moving forward no matter what. Ride into town, gunfight at high noon, then off into the sunset.
        5. We reluctantly left our air-conditioned Hotel and walked oat into the stifling heat of high noon.
        6. I was going to post a letter to one of my best high classmates in the UK in the break time at noon, diet coffee accompanied on my way to Dongshan post office.
        7. Another theory holds that the brain evolved to vent heat so we could hunt at high noon, when the lions slept.
        8. After the work was finished, it was high noon by the time we arrived back at our hotel.
        9. It can be said that they have the support of loyal fans, Jay's career will be more sun at high noon.
        10. IOC ( until8th high noon) was still attempting until the last minute to let them register, but does not have the result.
        11. He wrote this book at the high noon of his career.
        12. The Beijing-Shanghai high speed train was delayed again at noon on Tuesday due to a breakdown of the electricity supply.
        13. Today, I say the real thing at the high tide just before noon.
        14. Although the hearing Tencent sport's popularity rocket sun at high noon, but the team of young players Luther-Head of the day is not easy.
        15. The light is soft and flattering at these times, whereas high noon or flash photography can illuminate a little too much.
        16. So just as in April 2009 the G20 got one step ahead of the global markets and prevented a great depression, so too Europe now needs its own high noon, in which it addresses its three challenges in one swoop.
        17. The results showed that the diurnal variation of Choerospondias axillaries transpiration rate appeared in parabola, low in the morning and evening, and high at noon.
        18. The obvious midday depression of Pn of Zanhuang-jujube was mainly caused by the declined mesophyll photosynthetic capacity, but the high temperature> high water vapor pressure difference between leaf and air ( VPD) and stomatal limitation ( Ls) also contributed to it at noon.
        19. The diurnal change of transpiration intensity of wheat showed that the low intensity in morning and evening and high at noon, keeping up with the diurnal change of the sap flow of poplars.
        20. The result showed that the daily variation process of Phragmites communis was fit to the single peak curve, namely high at noon while low at morning and night.
        21. It may be effected synthetically by the low energy electron precipitation in cusp region, the high latitude plasma convection and the solar radiation, resulted in so called F region magnetic noon phenomena.
        22. Next, the flowering season and sees the cotton wool time cotton and kapok corolla level air temperature to be high, the flowering season the time interval planting density high processing temperature was also noon high, otherwise early, late.



        1. the middle of the day

            Synonym:    noontwelve noonmiddaynoondaynoontide